A C15 power cord matches with a C16 appliance outlet. It is shown in the diagram as C15-C16. C15 connectors may also be utilized for C14 outlets. C15 connectors are able to be utilized in high temperature environments and are capable of sustaining an operating voltage up to 120degrees Celsius.
If you’re in need of a C15 plug, you may purchase it from a large retail store. Better to help smaller businesses. Many smaller companies specialize in the manufacture of cables and plugs that serve different purposes. In the event that you have a need for an outlet or C15 plug for, it’s best to speak with an expert in the industry by contacting a small manufacturer of cords, plugs, and outlets. You can find these manufactures online. Check out online reviews and chat to a service rep prior to buying. You want to ensure you have the correct plug that is suitable for the project you are working on. It is possible that you will require other cable or plugs to meet different purposes. The C15 connector will not suffice. Additional matches are required. 43lovlhp2t.