Typically you want to contact a plumbing contractor to help accomplish the task, but it is definitely feasible to tackle the project on your own with the appropriate equipment when conducting your bathroom renovation. Tools plumbing contractors would use include a tool for cutting. The saw cannot be used to make these fittings since the fittings have to be precise. There is a risk of leaks when an uncut pipe is not tied in the right way. It’s not a good idea to have to have is an emergency plumbing issue on your hands. For attaching parts, you’ll require a crimping tool. Additionally, a tape measurement can be helpful in making the cuts. Even though it’s not essential to use, it’s utile. One of the major tips that’s vastly different to how plumbing was previously done is that instead of using copper pipes, it’s now plastic fittings. The reason is that plastic fittings are extremely flexible. When a copper pipe is stretched in too many directions then it’s going to overdo it. bkioffa8w5.